If you’re ready to skyrocket your income and step into your next level of freedom right freakin’ now, you’re invited to join us at…


A 3-Day Transformational Experience for Coaches & Consultants, Hosted by Beck Keen @ The Muir, Halifax, Nova Scotia


If you’re ready to skyrocket your income and step into your next level of freedom right freakin’ now, you’re invited to join us at…


A 3-Day Transformational Experience for Coaches & Consultants, Hosted by Beck Keen @ The Muir, Halifax, Nova Scotia


The upgrade you’ve been waiting for is here. No more waiting. No more visioning. No more journaling it out. It’s time to leap into your next level.

Crème de la crème clients on repeat? Check.
Flying through income plateaus? Done.
Highest revenue months ever? Obviously.
Time and space on your calendar to do whatever TF you want? Yes.
Flying first class to see Taylor or heading to Sedona for a spiritual retreat? Consider it booked.

Woman - you’re on the brink of this level of success, already.

You’re an incredible coach, mentor or consultant . You do deep work with your clients. You’ve already done so much up-levelling, transforming and re-inventing yourself, all while you juggle a million other balls in the air.

That’s amazing!! I’m gonna go ahead and call you a powerhouse.


You want more. Things are good. Maybe even great! You can’t really complain.


…. If we’re being honest (which we are), You. Want. More. You’ve got this fire inside of you and you know with a little fanning of the flames, you’re capable of even more.

More impact.
More clients.
More money.
More time.
More freedom.
More ease.
More travel.
More joy.

You know so much more is possible for you and with a few small tweaks, and some fiery coaching, your next level would be unlocked.

The upgrade you’ve been waiting for is here. No more waiting. No more visioning. No more journaling.
It’s time to leap into your next level.

Crème de la crème clients on repeat? Check.
Flying through income plateaus? Done.
Highest revenue months ever? Obviously.
Time and space on your calendar to do whatever TF you want? Yes.
Flying first class to see Taylor or heading to Sedona for a spiritual retreat? Consider it booked.

Woman - you’re on the brink of this level of success, already.

You’re an incredible coach, mentor or consultant . You do deep work with your clients. You’ve already done so much up-levelling, transforming and re-inventing yourself, all while you juggle a million other balls in the air.

That’s amazing. I’m gonna go ahead and call you a powerhouse.


You want more. Things are good. Maybe even great! You can’t really complain.


…. If we’re being honest (which we are), You. Want. More. You’ve got this fire inside of you and you know with some fanning of the flames, you’re capable of even more.

More impact.
More clients.
More money.
More time.
More freedom.
More ease.
More travel.
More joy.

You know so much more is possible for you and with a few small tweaks and some fiery coaching, your next level would be unlocked.

Having coached hundreds of women at the 6 & 7 figure level, building 3 wildly successful businesses and making over 2 million in my own coaching business on minimal hours, this is what I know:

It’s one thing to talk about next level you.

It’s a whole other vibe to BE next level you.

To step across that threshold and give yourself full permission to go there.

To be audacious.
To be too much.
To claim big money.
To do things differently than others around you.
To operate completely outside the box and to vibrate on an entirely different frequency.

The frequency of your next level.

Which is why I created this event.

To give you an experience that begins the moment you say yes to coming, to shift on a soul level within yourself, to literally step into your next level of fire & financial freedom.


…when you’re in person
…when you’re surrounded by other powerhouse women
…when you’re immersed in *this* energy for 3 whole days, the transformation happens deeper and bigger.

So if you’re done learning about next-level growth and you’re ready to experience it, join us.

Having coached hundreds of women at the 6 & 7 figure level, building 3 wildly successful businesses and making over 2 million in my own coaching business on minimal hours, here's what I know:

It’s one thing to talk about next level you.

It’s a whole other vibe to BE next level you.

To step across that threshold and give yourself full permission to go there.

To be audacious.
To be too much.
To claim big money.
To do things differently than others around you.
To operate completely outside the box and to vibrate on an entirely different frequency.

The frequency of your next level.

Which is why I created this event.

To give you an experience that begins the moment you say yes to coming, to shift on a soul level within yourself, to literally step into your next level of fire & financial freedom.


…when you’re in person
…when you’re surrounded by other powerhouse women
…when you’re immersed in *this* energy for 3 whole days, the transformation happens deeper and bigger.

So if you’re done learning about next-level growth and you’re ready to experience it, join us.

A 3-Day Transformational Experience for Coaches & Consultants, Hosted by Beck Keen @ The Muir, Halifax, Nova Scotia


This fall, let’s join together as powerhouse women, to build on the successes you’ve had to date, dive deep into the energetics of growth and expansion, make moves in your business that result in high cash months & easeful business models, in this luxurious location.

Your highest level is unlocked every time you surround yourself with amazing women also doing next-level things. It normalizes this new way of being and makes the impossible, possible. It makes the unreasonable, reasonable. It calls forward your future self, as time collapses around you.

This IS the upgrade of a LIFETIME.



  • Private welcome reception on October 2nd 6:00-8:30pm, includes food and drink
  • Live full-day event on October 3rd 10am-4pm, includes lunch
  • Live coaching with Beck
  • Brand new business trainings and wealth embodiment practices
  • Guest expert sessions
  • Facilitated connections and masterminding with other powerhouses
  • Professional mini photo shoot with photographer 
  • Morning mastermind session on October 4th 10am-11:30am
  • VIP Goodie bag and other surprises not yet revealed!


Get the early bird price of $1950 when you use code PWR at checkout.

A 3-Day Transformational Experience for Coaches & Consultants, Hosted by Beck Keen @ The Muir, Halifax, Nova Scotia


This fall, let’s join together as powerhouse women, to build on the successes you’ve had to date, dive deep into the energetics of growth and expansion, make moves in your business that result in high cash months & easeful business models, in this luxurious location.

Your highest level is unlocked every time you surround yourself with amazing women also doing next-level things. It normalizes this new way of being and makes the impossible, possible. It makes the unreasonable, reasonable. It calls forward your future self, as time collapses around you.

This IS the upgrade of a LIFETIME.



  • Private welcome reception on October 2nd 6:00-8:30pm, includes delicious food and drink
  • Live full-day event on October 3rd 10am-4pm, includes delicious lunch
  • Live coaching with Beck
  • Brand new business trainings and wealth embodiment practices
  • Guest expert sessions
  • Facilitated connections and masterminding with others
  • Professional mini photo shoot with photographer
  • Morning mastermind session on October 4th 10am-11:30am
  • VIP Goodie bag and other surprises not yet revealed!


Get the early bird price of $1950 when you use code PWR at checkout.




Wednesday, October 2nd

3pm Arrive, check-in, walk along Halifax’s scenic waterfront, take a nap or a hot bath. Relax, you've arrived!

6-8:30pm Welcome reception in “The Watch.” Join Beck and crew to gather, connect and have curated conversation with each other. Appies and finger food will be served.


Thursday, October 3rd

10am-1pm A deep dive session on building a business with high cash months that’s easeful to maintain, so you can have the most expansive life and business ever. Live breakthroughs session with Beck and a gourmet lunch.

1-3pm Spend the afternoon learning about wealth creation from a feminine lens. We'll focus on low-maintenance business models without sacrificing making bank. We’ll bring alive the true meaning of woo meets wealth.

3:30-5:30pm Have your photo taken and your next level self captured by our world-class photographer. A make-up artist will be on-site to give you a little glow-up, should you wish!

7pm Group Dinner


Friday, October 4th

10-11:30 Enjoy morning coffee and a full Mastermind session with Beck and the group. You came all this way. You prioritized yourself. You gave yourself full permission. You trusted your fire to attend this once in a lifetime experience and you feel at home in your body in the fullest of ways. You're ready to soar!

12pm Check out - or stay an extra night!

If you’re similar to me and you sometimes find it easier to stay hidden in your cosy home, being all the things to all the people, or you’re on the fence about coming, this section is for you:

In 2017, I signed up for a 5-figure mastermind. But when it came to booking a hotel, I couldn’t book myself into a fancy hotel. “Girls like you don’t stay in places like that”, was the story I told myself. I backed out and didn't get on the plane and didn’t do the Mastermind.

My money beliefs had completely crippled me.

A year later, I ditched my outdated money beliefs aside and signed up again. I booked myself a gorgeous hotel in Santa Monica, and got my ass to that event, claiming the space that had always been mine. I met my new mentor - who I’d go on to work with for the next 3 years, eventually becoming one of her paid program coaches. I met dozens of women who became my highest-ticket clients. And I met women who became my peers, expanders and activators.

I found my people. I found me. A version of me that I hadn’t given myself permission to be. It all CHANGED the moment I got my ass on that plane.

A year later, I attended Click Funnels Live in Florida with Russell Brunson and thousands of others. Although the event wasn’t my vibe - long hours in chairs and pitches every 5 seconds - I met so many entrepreneurs who were all creating new levels of wealth for themselves.

I got offer ideas, funnels ideas, new customers, and when I came home, I felt as if I had been on another planet. Transported to another frequency.

Zoom is great but in-person events? It’s like going to the moon and back in terms of the takeaways and internal upgrades. The entire process - from buying a ticket, walking into the room, then coming away and seeing your revenue soar because of the internal upgrades you’ve made.

This is why I attend, and host, in-person events. After attending a few as participants, I started hosting my own events and I even met a woman who would become my best friend.

A year later, I got invited to speak on stage with Natalis Ellis from BossBabe and Alyssa Nobriga from the Institue of Coaching Mastery in front of hundreds of women and it’s moments like this that are etched in my mind where I said YES to ME and I gave myself permission to BE my next level self and claim that for myself.









You know that feeling like when you go out for dinner or head to the spa or do a weekend girls trip or go to a concert for the first time in ages and you think…. “why don’t I do this more?”

That’s what happens when you attend a live event.

I know it can be hard to get your butt on the plane and figure out who will pick up the kids and you secretly wonder if you should spend the money on yourself or maybe you worry about attending alone. There are so many reasons why it’s easier to stay home.

There are so many reasons to not host in-person events!! They are a ton of work, hard to make a profit due to the high costs of everything—not to mention I like to do things the bougie way because yah, I’m worth it and so are you.

But when fear or resistance stares at me in my face, this is my cue to go. To lean in and say yes.

I’ve never spent this much to host an in-person event before! I’ve never rented the most exquisite space I’ve ever seen before! I’ve never hired a photographer to do portraits for everyone!


Powerhouse women move. They don’t watch and wait. They invest in themselves over and over. They transform themselves again and again. They don’t use fear or lack of confidence as an excuse to not take action.

Most people live their entire lives playing inside a box and staying small and contained. They believe life happens to them and they don’t even know that life is created by the thoughts, actions and beliefs we program into our mind.


So go get yourself in the room. Find your people. Surround yourself with expanders. Follow the fire in your soul. Be the most wild version of you. Book the ticket. Get on the plane. Stay in the most insanely beautiful hotel. Let go of the how and allow the how to appear.

When you leap, the universe responds.


If you’re similar to me and you sometimes find it easier to stay hidden in your cosy home, being all the things to all the people, or you’re on the fence about coming, this section is for you.

In 2017, I signed up for a 5-figure mastermind. But when it came to booking a hotel, I couldn’t book myself into a fancy hotel. “Girls like you don’t stay in places like that”, was the story I told myself. I backed out and didn't get on the plane and didn’t do the Mastermind.

My money beliefs had completely crippled me.

A year later, I worked through my own outdated money objections and I signed up again, booked myself a gorgeous hotel in Santa Monica and got my ass to that event. I met my new mentor—who I’d go on to work with for the next 3 years, eventually becoming one of her paid program coaches. I met dozens of women who became my highest-ticket clients. And I met women who became my peers, expanders and activators.

I found my people. I found me. A version of me that I hadn’t given myself permission to be. IT ALL CHANGED THE MOMENT I GOT MY ASS ON THAT PLANE.

A year later, I attended Click Funnels Live in Florida with Russell Brunson and thousands of others. Although the event wasn’t my vibe—long hours in chairs and pitches every 5 seconds—I met so many entrepreneurs who were all creating new levels of wealth for themselves.

I got offer ideas, funnels ideas, new customers, and when I came home, I felt as if I had been on another planet. Transported to another frequency.

Zoom is great but in-person events? It’s like going to the moon and back in terms of the takeaways and internal upgrades. The entire process—from buying a ticket to booking your plane and hotel, to walking into the room with all those new people, to coming away and seeing your revenue soar because of the internal upgrades you’ve made, this is why I attend, and host, in-person events. 

A year later, I got asked to speak on stage with BossBabe and Alyssa Nobriga in front of hundreds of women and it’s moments like those from live events that are etched in my mind where I said YES to ME and I gave myself permission to BE my next level self.




You know that feeling like when you go out for dinner or head to the spa or do a weekend girls trip or go to a concert for the first time in ages and you think…. “why don’t I do this more?”

That’s what happens when you attend a live event.

I know it can be hard to get your butt on the plane and figure out who will pick up the kids and you secretly wonder if you should spend the money on yourself or maybe you worry about attending alone. There are so many reasons why it’s easier to not go and just stay home.

There are so many reasons to not host in-person events! They are so much work, hard to make a profit due to the high costs of everything—not to mention I like to do things the bougie way because yah, I’m worth it and so are you.

But when fear or resistance stares at me in my face, this is my cue to go. To lean in and say yes.

I’ve never spent this much to host an in-person event before! I’ve never rented the most exquisite space I’ve ever seen before! I’ve never hired a photographer to do portraits for everyone!


Powerhouse women move. They don’t watch and wait. They invest in themselves over and over. They transform themselves again and again. They don’t use fear as an excuse to not take action.

Most people live their entire lives playing inside a box and staying small and contained. They believe life happens to them and they don’t even know that life is created by the thoughts, actions and beliefs we program into our mind.


So go get yourself in the room. Find your people. Surround yourself with expanders. Follow the fire in your soul. Be the most wild version of you. Book the ticket. Get on the plane. Stay in the most insanely beautiful hotel. Let go of the how and allow the how to appear.

When you leap, the universe responds.


Powerhouse is for you if: 

  • You want to be in rooms that expand you and call you forward. You’re 100% all in on yourself, zero excuses!
  • You want to be in the energy of others who are also investing in themselves and doing big things with their lives and business. You’re ready to 10x all aspects of your life and business.
  • You value leadership, personal power, and self belief. You want to raise the bar on your external results, which also means raising the bar on your internal landscape.
  • You want to fall in love with yourself, your offers and the life you’re creating again and again. You’re ready to fully own your brilliance, and move beyond any self imposed stories that you’re not ready, not good enough or not far enough along.
  • You know your message is meant to be heard by more people and you’re no longer willing to outsource any of your power. You’re on the edge of a massive breakthrough and you’re ready to become the energetic match for everything you desire.

Powerhouse is for you if: 

  • You want to be in rooms that expand you and call you forward. You’re 100% all in on yourself, zero excuses!
  • You want to be in the energy of others who are also investing in themselves and doing big things with their lives and business. You’re ready to 10x all aspects of your life and business.
  • You value leadership, personal power, and self belief. You want to raise the bar on your external results, which also means raising the bar on your internal landscape.
  • You want to fall in love with yourself, your offers and the life you’re creating again and again. You’re ready to fully own your brilliance, and move beyond any self imposed stories that you’re not ready, not good enough or not far enough along.
  • You know your message is meant to be heard by more people and you’re no longer willing to outsource any of your power. You’re on the edge of a massive breakthrough and you’re ready to become the energetic match for everything you desire.