During this 13-minute meditation, you’ll be guided through a simple process for tapping into your deepest desires and calling in your ideal clients—energetically.

And get instant access to this meditation and journaling prompts.

“That meditation was amazing. After the last couple crazy weeks, this was the first time I was able to drop in and feel connected. Such a gift!”

Tamara Freeman, Soul First Branding Expert


And it wants to support you in connecting with inner and outer abundance and Activate Your Sales

Creating space for clients to come into your orbit is way more than writing Instagram posts and having pretty sales pages. Your energy and the energy you bring to your sales or launch process matters.

Which is why this meditation is so potent—it sets you up to connect with the energy of your ideal clients, so you can “call them in.”

*Side benefits of this meditation include getting sales, feeling connected, and tapping into the more that you are.